The FilmArray is an FDA-cleared multiplex PCR test that integrates sample preparation, amplification, detection and analysis all into one system. It requires minutes of hands-on-time with results turnaround time is around an hour. This rapid response analyser can lead better patient care. The FilmArray now has three FDA-cleared panels – the Respiratory Panel, the Blood Culture Identification Panel, and the Gastrointestinal Panel. Together, these panels test for more than a hundred pathogens. Thus, FilmArray is not only the fastest way to better results; it’s the fastest way to more results. Resources![]()
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Rapid result retrieval
The FilmArray pouch stores all the necessary reagents for sample preparation, reverse transcription-PCR, PCR, and detection in a freeze-dried format. Just inject hydration solution and an unprocessed sample. The FilmArray takes care of the rest. First, the FilmArray extracts and purifies all nucleic acids from the unprocessed sample. Following this, the FimArray performs a nested multiplex PCR. During the first stage, the system performs a single, large volume, multiplexed reaction. Finally, individual, singleplex second-stage PCR reactions detect the products from the first-stage PCR. Using endpoint melting curve data, the FilmArray software automatically generates a result for each target. Effective and simple to use software The FilmArray Software walks you through the entire process. When the run is complete, the software analyzes and reports results in a simple, easy-to-read format. |